Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh, Mrs. Sou, did you lose your voice?


No matter how hard I try, it is difficult to sound like laryngitis with a normal voice. Does it make kids feel nervous that I am different, that they question the obvious: "Mrs. Sou, did you lose your voice?"

It was an interesting day. One noisy class was extra quiet and everyone worked hard on make-up work.

Another girl yelled and argued with me at the beginning of the day (the argument was one -sided since I had no voice), yet showed up to class her sweet, wonderful self.

I have an IEP meeting with parents everyday this week, beginning yesterday.

Where is my voice when I need it?

I am glad God doesn't get laryngitis. His still, quiet voice never goes silent. Maybe we need laryngitis so our heart's ears get stronger.

He speaks to me through his Word. I am reminded that part of my life mission statement is to bring good news to the afflicted. His clear voice gently reminds me of that commitment.

Go in Peace.

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