Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Three, two, one, zero!! Wouldn't ya know it!! It took my student Kassidy to point it out--I told her I would put her name in the blog as the one noticing it!!

Today is also my dad's birthday. Two days after Amanda's. There must be more!!

I am so thankful God used numbers since day 1!! In fact, in my jr. year in high school, I learned how to prove "1" exists--with math induction!! I love it!! I do not like proofs, otherwise. Advanced Calculus in college cured me of liking proofs more than I should.

I remember well the day adding numbers made sense to me--first grade!! I was soooooo happy!! I was standing in our driveway on Johnson Road telling about it!!

In a fortnight, I have surgery on my right rotator cuff. My left one is beginning to hurt. Ugh!!

I am thankful for doctors. I am really thankful for family that does the housework, dishes, and laundry. They have been such a great help!!

Off to look for another exciting arrangement of numbers in the date!!