Monday, November 30, 2009

Talkers and Teaching Respect


I remember now 30 years ago saying I would never again teach 8th graders. Jeff took over my 8th grade math classes after that.

Today, when I began afternoons at the jr hi, it got crazy in one class. Mostly 7th graders, but an 8th grade regular ed girl would not be quiet. Non-stop. Talking right in my face while I was talking to her. I removed her to a room next door with no students. Mike Feil was in charge.

Remember him from NCCS? He has that wonderful smile. He is an Educational Assistant at the jr hi, and puts up with nothing. He said the talker complained the entire time she was in the room.

Some kids have disabilities that affect their behavior. Others just misbehave. I got all 15 of them during period 6. I began to wonder what period 7 would be like, but they were angels. Comparatively speaking, of course.

I am going to use my time at home to make THE seating chart. I don't even know their names, but the alphabet always works at least one day.

The first few words I heard about themselves were "retard" "stupid" "dumb". Then there was "shut-up" "I hate you", etc. Not to me. Just to each other. Now to teach the good words and behavior. Maybe I'll assign each student write one positive rule tomorrow that they think of.

Their insecurities are spilling out everywhere.

Do I try to talk louder than God?

Saturday, November 28, 2009



I am not certified ADHD, but I seem to have to have a lot of projects going on at one time just to accomplish anything. The house is quiet. Joe is playing in the Turkey Bowl soccer game at Meldrum Bar Park, and Vung Chan left to take the 2 cans of food (for the hotdog) Joe forgot. He also said something about 'looking at cars'. Yikes!!

Anyway, I have 3 computers going: my laptop to write the IEP document for 7 am Monday morning (the one that got postponed because I was sick); the school laptop to catch up on documenting specially designed instruction (SDI) I did with kids on my caseload; and the cheap emachine which runs fastest because it is not wireless. I do facebook, games, email, and read the news on the emachine.

All said, I should get SOMETHING accomplished today. I am also putting away fall/Thanksgiving decorations and mentally: putting up the fake tree (didn't get to it yet), arranging the Nativity, and setting out the village. And the kitchen floor needs to be mopped.

I am also trying to write a letter to my nephew, Doug. I am almost two weeks late for his birthday, so I will also send a Christmas letter.

Oh yes, the annual Christmas letter also keeps floating through my mind.

No wonder I like to play FreeCell so I can free up my mind.

I did get up and exercised with Adonica at 7 am. I rode 40 minutes on the recumbunt bike--my longest yet.

My friends are selling Christmas trees in our front driveway, so I can also watch that.

A good reminder while I multi-task:

Isaiah 26:3 (Amplified Bible)
You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

It should help with heart disease and stress.

Go in constant peace.

Sunday, November 22, 2009



I have been sick this past week, but ready to start a new week with great enthusiasm!!

Starting 11/30/2009, I will teach in the afternnoon at the jr. hi. I love change--I love the teachers there, the administrative team, and I'm sure I will love the kids. I just need to meet my new students.

I will continue at the high school in the mornings with kids I have known for 4 years, and some much, much longer. Everyone of them is a bright spot in the day. I just have to cram all these bright spots into the morning now.

The jr. hi is heading up a big Thanksgiving dinner called Thanks for Giving. Basically the entire community is invited. We are such a small town that this is possible. District staff --mostly jr. hi and high school--are fixing the meal.. We have cash donations and food donations. Today--Sunday--is the food prep beginning. I wish I knew for sure I was not contagious, then I would help if not. Tuesday is the dinner. Maybe by then......... Servers, clean-upers, all kinds of help will be needed.

I am thankful for the life God has given me. I am thankful for my husband and son--I look forward to another 26 years together, and more.

I am thankful for my exercise buddy--we go daily to the gym.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two house fires.


A real downer is having two students lose their houses to separate fires. They both have lost everything.

The first one happened a few weeks ago. He has grandparents to live with, and the love has really been shown by the community to them.

The second happened this past weekend. I talked with him today and he is living with friends, while the parents are on the property to keep looters away.

He said the school provided him with a travel toothbrush--so I asked him if a Mickey Mouse or Spongebob tooth brush is ok. He said yes, then I said, how about Winnie the Pooh? Nope. hee hee He laughed.

It's hard to think about losing everything. He now has deodorant and shampoo. A family with two boys will provide some clothes. As people find out, more generosity.

My husband has lost everything. He walked away from the Khmer Rouge with only his memories , and the clothes on his back. His mom carried a few photos, but not many.

His mom is going to move from Sandy to Carver soon. She tended to throw away everything in the past when she moved. We try to save photos and important legal papers. But she understands that where we live on earth is so temporal. Her real home is where she needs nothing from earth. And where the loves of her life are.

My husband tries to get me to get rid of stuff in the basement that I haven't even looked at in years. I do, bit by bit.

I am thankful for a home, memories, photos, and my loved ones. Neither of those boys lost family or pets--just stuff. They have been really brave.

Oh, Mrs. Sou, did you lose your voice?


No matter how hard I try, it is difficult to sound like laryngitis with a normal voice. Does it make kids feel nervous that I am different, that they question the obvious: "Mrs. Sou, did you lose your voice?"

It was an interesting day. One noisy class was extra quiet and everyone worked hard on make-up work.

Another girl yelled and argued with me at the beginning of the day (the argument was one -sided since I had no voice), yet showed up to class her sweet, wonderful self.

I have an IEP meeting with parents everyday this week, beginning yesterday.

Where is my voice when I need it?

I am glad God doesn't get laryngitis. His still, quiet voice never goes silent. Maybe we need laryngitis so our heart's ears get stronger.

He speaks to me through his Word. I am reminded that part of my life mission statement is to bring good news to the afflicted. His clear voice gently reminds me of that commitment.

Go in Peace.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Evil Eye


My Evil Eye:

Losing my voice--won't be able to nag kids to
do homework tomorrow. I'll sit and smile and

sometimes give them the evil eye.

That oughta work.